It is a common ailment that everyone faces at one time or another. We often see people who take fever every now and then and send it to us and get confused. However, it is necessary to know the actual normal temperature of our body and when to call it fever. The system that regulates our body temperature is located in the hypothalamus in our brain. Depending on the temperature on our skin, and in our blood, it helps to keep our body at a normal temperature in different ways. Shivering when cold is to raise the temperature and sweating when the temperature is high is a protective mechanism of our body to lower the temperature. Anyone with a temperature above 98.3°F at all times is considered to have a fever. But actually it is not that easy. Body temperature depends on many factors such as the person's age, gender, daily life, place of measurement, time of measurement, weather/season, etc. Our body temperature is lowest at 6 AM. Peak was 4-6pm. That is why we can call fever only if it is above 98.9°F in the morning and above 99.9°F in the evening. In women, the temperature also changes according to the menstrual cycle. Body temperature is 0.9°F higher in the two weeks before menarche than in the first two weeks after menarche. Elderly people have lower body temperature. And even if there is any infection, it may not grow much. That is why it is very important to be alert even if the body temperature is slightly increased in the elderly Where we are looking at the temperature is also important. An average thermometer reading is 98.6°F. It may be even less for mouth breathers. Rectal temperature, rectal temperature, and tympanic ear temperature are usually 0.5°-1°F higher in children. Under the arms (axillary) is 97.7°F. It is very important to get the fever under control as soon as possible if it occurs due to any reason. Otherwise, the water in the stomach decreases (dehydration) and they become lethargic. The more hours you stay at high temperature, the longer it takes to recover. Vigilance is essential especially in the case of children and the elderly. If the nail is rinsed with warm water, the temperature will be controlled. Paracetamol is a fever medicine. If it is not controlled, if the patient appears lethargic, or does not eat, or if the fever is not controlled after 2 days, it is better to consult a doctor. However, unnecessary testing on the first day of fever may miss anything. Treatment can be delayed/ignored if the reports are normal. Also the unnecessary use of antibiotics can make the body more sluggish. Trust the doctors. Do not change doctors. If you go to the same person again and again, they will think more important.

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