Dubbaka: The incident of a farmer climbing a water tank took place in Shilaji Nagar village of Dubbaka mandal on Thursday. Going into the details, a farmer climbed a water tank and started a chal. Pemberti Kanakaiah of Shilaji Nagar village has been in dispute for an acre of land for some time now.

Recently, a land dispute was settled in the presence of the elders of the village. The resolved Bhupanchoti documents were kept with the Village Sarpanch Maduri Srinivas. Among the documents with the Sarpanch, Kanakaiah asked the Sarpanch several times to give him a xerox coffee, but to no avail.

Kanakaiah, a farmer who was deeply offended by this, shouted that he would commit suicide by jumping from the water tank of the village on Thursday. The alerted villagers informed the Dubbaka police. As the police promised to solve Kanakayya's problem, he was brought down and taken to the police station. Later, when the police gathered, Kanakaiah compromised.

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