What do you do with political pride? What is the reason why the district education officials are not talking about the private ownership saying that we will sell notebooks like this?
Action should be taken against the owners of private schools who are commercializing education and their recognition should be revoked SFI District Secretary Dharma Bixam Demands

 who cares about the private schools in the district, has become destitute.....

Janagama: District President Sandeep presided over the press conference organized at Janagama SFI district office and District Secretary Dharmabhiksam participated as the chief guest and said that Right to Education Act is not being implemented in full force as per GO No. 01 no high fees should be charged and no books and uniforms should be sold in schools. He said that according to GO No. 91 Section 8(1) fees are being collected under the name of IIT Olympiad Techno. He said that till now there is no DFRC committee. He criticized that the District Education Officer and Collector failed to take action.
  If students are cheated, there is no question of leaving any private school drinking the blood of parents of poor students, we will fight till their recognition is revoked...
You are not your slave to be afraid of how many terrors private employers have caused, how many political stalwarts are behind you.. On behalf of the students, the community leaders who fight for justice...
  On the one hand, there is a demand for strict implementation of the Right to Education Act, strict implementation of the Fees Control Act, and if the state government issues orders, criminal cases should be registered against those who ignore the orders of the state government and the district education officials, even though it is strongly said that notebooks and textbooks of any kind should not be sold in schools. He expressed his concern that they are doing business in education and collecting the highest fees from the poor students.
Action should be taken against the owners of private schools who are commercializing education and their recognition should be revoked SFI District Secretary Dharma Bixam Demands

They demanded that action should be taken against the officials of the education department who did not monitor the private educational institutes and at least did not pay attention to them.
SFI leaders Tarun Vikas Vijay Mahender Ajay and others participated in this program....

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