Fish Prasadam paragraph, which is supposed to be grown naturally, is being destroyed in the name of chapamadu. They cannot be raised like other fishes.
In order to reduce asthma, if some substance is put in a live fish fry (egg) and put in the mouth of asthma patients and swallowed, the existing disease does not go away, in addition to the unhygienic environment, the natural microbes on the fish and the harmful germs that are transferred from one person's mouth to another's mouth cause new fatal diseases that do not reduce asthma. More likely to come...! In our house, even if the toothbrush used by one person is clean, the other one uses it. Imagine how impure it is to put one's hand in one's mouth and put the same hand in another's mouth. In that case, there are more chances of getting deadly chronic infectious diseases like cold, cough, corona, hepatitis-B, TB etc. from one person to another. A dangerous condition called aspiration is likely to occur if a live fish enters our lungs while administering fish medicine. Also, there are many small germs in the fish scales of the fish that are not cleaned and if they go inside the stomach, many diseases will occur. Moreover, what is the 'Prasadam' cure for people living on 'innocence' and 'blind beliefs'? Moreover, if a certain person or a certain family can cure the disease only if they give medicine, how is that medicine? Think about it. So..! Taking fish prasadam is also a superstition. It does not relieve asthma. It has not even been scientifically proven to reduce asthma. It is very sad that the government allows such unscientific programs.

Which fish is used in fish prasadam? What is fish prasadam for asthma? How does fish medicine work on asthma? 
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