Telangana Auto Drivers JAC has announced its decision to support Congress Party in the coming elections and also announced "Ab ki bar Telangana mein Congress Sarkar". Talking to mediapersons here on Sunday, TADJAC convenor Amanullah Khan said every financier seize the autos alleging default of payment and take them under their possession and get the autos transferred in their names by submitting their applications in Form-36 to the RTA offices concerned. Later, they manage to get these vehicles scrapped and purchase new autos in their place and thereafter sell the autos at over Rs 5 lakh i.e. Rs 2.5 lakh in black-market price more than the actual cost of showroom price.

Khan also alleged that the police department has totally left the poor auto men to the mercy of the circumstances as if new auto black marketing is not at all a crime. The police should start a drive immediately and arrest the financiers for their role in the autos’ black-marketing. He appealed to the City Police Commissioner CV Anand to help